eyecandylab and LG Uplus revolutionize home shopping by augmented reality

By means of their recently started cooperation, gate startup eyecandylab and LG Uplus, South Korean leading 5G-service-provider, lift home shopping to a new level : By launching the product „U+ AR Shopping“, they realize augmented reality for home shopping channels worldwide for the first time and, thus, bring shopping malls home.
The viewers of GS Shopping and Home&Shopping, two of the biggest South Korean home shopping channels, from now on benefit from improved product presentations. This includes detailled 3D-scans which allow for placement of selected articles in the real living environment.

All this happens during the live show. The basis is the access to the augmented-reality shopping-app „U+ AR Shopping“, which is ready for download by Korean users. The underlying augmen.tv live TV-platform is able to recognize every TV-set or video screen in the room and can follow the program. It identifies the content and synchronizes the information exactly consistent with the proceedings in the show. Within seconds, viewers discover all important aspects around the product presented and are able to try it on virtually or place it in their living room. If they like the article, users may order via their mobile phone directly from the screen and receive an additional AR-discount.
Higher conversion, less return
By the large-scale cooperation of eyecandylab and LG Uplus home shoppers receive significantly more information about products. They are displayed on the smartphone app and arranged in the AR-mode around the screen. This enables the potential buyer to better evaluate interesting articles before purchasing. The advantages of the implementation of augmented reality bring products to life and generate higher sales. As the users have a much larger basis for their decision, it automatically leads to less returns and, thus, to a higher turnover for the companies.

Customers wish to have more product information
The high interest in further information About products is also proven by a current eyecandylab study* in the US market: 31,5% of the consumers wish to know more about products which are currently presented on the screen, and 23% can imagine to buy products instantly. In addition, the results show a readiness for conversion of up to 74%.
„Being a leading supplier of innovative 5G-services, we always aim to offer relevant and useful applications to our customers“, says Keeman Seoh, Vice President Strategic Alliance & Global Partnership Unit of LG Uplus. „eyecandylab’s technology is a perfect unique feature and gives us the possibility to further expand our leading position.“
„We are very excited about the cooperation with LG“, says Robin Sho Moser, CEO of eyecandylab. „Home shopping is a perfect channel to show the benefit of augmented reality for users especially in every day life. At the same time it supports companies in their sales.“

Augmented reality offers many fields of application
Besides home shopping the use of augmented reality offers advantages in many more broadcasting formats. The fields of application are numerous and almost unlimited: Thus, not only users but also enterprises benefit from additional product information faded in during soaps, series, movies and shows. Enterprises like TV-broadcasters and production companies as well as their (advertising) customers are able to bring their product nearer to the viewer by means of this progressive technology. Besides exciting viewing experiences it also provides an interesting added value for the spectators, i.e. to try out products virtually and to buy them without breach of media. By the seamless integration of the product up to purchase, in augmented reality the purchase barriers are significantly lower.
„The concept is interesting also for the German market, as here as well media enterprises are actively seeking new approaches of interaction with the viewers and, at the same time, monetization possibilities. First talks to home-shopping-broadcasters are already taking place“, Moser continues.
*source: eyecandylab. THE POWER OF VIDEO-TRIGGERED AR. U.S. Market Study 2019, September 25, 2019.
About eyecandylab
eyecandylab’s innovative technology makes it possible to display interactive augmented reality around videos and TV-shows. The start-up was founded in 2017 in Munich and has already cooperated with customers like VIACOM, NBCUniversal, SoftBank, LG Uplus, WWE, adidas and other big global enterprises. Besides the Shorty-Award for Nickelodeon, eyecandylab was decorated with the Vision.Award and the Aurea Award in 2018. Moreover, eyecandylab counts among the finalists of ‘The Spark’, the German digital award by Handelsblatt and McKinsey and the award ‘Digital Start-up 2019’ of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. eyecandylab develops and reseraches in Munich, where their operative business is located as well. The company is registered in the USA, with offices in New York City and San Francisco.
About augmen.tv
The platform augmen.tv offers AR-Solutions which use moving pictures as a marker and trigger for augmented reality content by means of the unique, patented TELEMARKTM technology. Media enterprises which want to expand their shows by an interactive AR-level, may integrate this technology into their already existing apps. The advantages for customers who are already using the augmen.tv-platform are a much stronger spectator relationship and a significant increase of sponsoring options.
More information: https://augmen.tv
About LG Uplus
LG Uplus is a subsidiary of LG Group and South Korea’s leading telecommunication supplier. In April 2019 LG Uplus inroduced the first 5G-service worldwide in Korea .
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markengold PR GmbH
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