gate-Startup Clinaris finalizes successful round financing

- More hospital hygiene by real-time tracking of medical devices
- Warning system enables normal operation of hospitals in Munich despite Corona
Specializing in digital solutions for hospitals and nursing homes, gate-startup Clinaris has successfully finalized its series-D round-financing and thus could attain notable family offices as investors. 2.6 million Euros alltogether were collected by the enterprise located at the Garching technology and startup incubator in order to exceed the growth rate of the past years.
Among the new investors count the two family offices Tertium and Kalodion. “We are happy to have won such top-class and experienced investors. The confidence shown to us also expresses the enormous potential of our digital solutions for the legally certain control and documentation of hygienic measures in hospitals”, says Thorsten Amann, CEO and co-founder of Clinaris GmbH.
“Thanks to the continuing support of the existing investors and the commitment of Tertium and Kalodion we will emphaticly implement our long-term growth strategy and strengthen our market position. Within a few years, digital hygienic solutions in combination with a state-of-the-art object tracing system will be standard in hospitals and nursing homes”, the Clinaris-CEO continues. The capital from the round financing will be used to promote expansion and to further strengthen the national and international sales teams. By the end of 2021, customer projects in all major Western European markets as well as in crucial locations like Dubai, Hongkong, Singapur and Bangkok shall be implemented.
Clinaris co-founder Amann is convinced that the present Covid-19-pandemic will further increase the significance of innovative hygienic solutions. “The request for our IoT-application Hospital Process Management (HPM) shows: We are on the right way to become the leading supplier of real-time hygiene and process optimizing systems.” The mobile application HPM offers hospitals and nursing homes a survey of the applied devices, beds and staff at any time. Owing to state-of-the-art tracking technology, the respective hygienic measures may be operated, controlled and documented in real time. Hereby the requirements of the MDR (Medical Device Regulation) are fulfilled with legal certainty.
Based on the HPM-system tried and proven in clinical use, Clinaris further has adapted a technology for the Corona-caused social-distancing-requirements in hospitals and nursing homes. By the warning system a minimum distance between staff, patients and visitors is ensured. Should there occur a Covid-19-infection in an institution, the chain of infection can be tracked without any difficulty.
The round financing was accompanied by Florian Aigner from the Munich lawyer office Emnay and Dietmar Thiele from the Berlin office of the M&A-consulting agency Network Corporate Finance.
Software and medical engineering by CLINARIS GmbH save lives in hospitals and nursing homes. By means of innovative digital solutions like Hospital Process Management (HPM), the legally required preparation routines of category I and II medical equipment in sanitarily sensitive areas as well as of patient rooms can be operated and documented in real time and thus be significantly facilitated. CLINARIS GmbH was founded in 2014 and counts among the pioneers in the field of digital hygiene management.
Erika Kalweit
phone.: +49 (89) 2153 870-0