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900.000 Euros Seed-Investment for Energyminer


gate-Startup Energyminer has successfully finished a seed investment round amounting to 900.000 Euros.

Eleven angel investors, among them business angels from the BayStartUP investors’ network, contribute – besides capital – their know-how in the energy sector, marketing, IT and product development. Energyminer has developed a system of floating hydroelectric micro power plants.

The solution has the potential to completely substitute the power production of CO2-emitting baseload plants by permanently available budget CO2-free current, and, thus, can guarantee security of energy supplies with energy transition. With the capital raised, the experienced founder team including the former INVENOX founders Dr.-Ing. Georg Walder and Dr.-Ing. Richard Eckl want to develop their hydrokinetic power plant ready for serial production and run first test stations.

Base load power plants are switched off in series – but there is no adequate substitute by renewable energies in sight. For a successful energy transition we, therefore, urgently need more renewables which are base-load-capable.

Dr.-Ing. Richard Eckl, Co-founder of Energyminer

This is exactly what is provided by energyminer’s floating underwater plants, patent pending. Their aim: to establish kinetic hydropower economically and efficiently as an integral part of energy transition. With consistent application of this technology in all rivers across Europe, 16% of the present European CO2-emission could be saved. The development potential of kinetic hydropower in Europe is 37 billion Euros, or rather 473 terawatt hours per year. This means a CO2-saving of 411 megatons per year.

With our plants we manage to construct kinetic hydropower in a cost-efficient and highly profitable way. We are happy that, with the support of BayStartUP, we could convince investors and develop our idea up to serial production.

Dr.-Ing. Richard Eckl, Co-founder of Energyminer

Patent technology may revolutionize power generation from hydropower

Energyminer’s micro-hydropower-plants generate electrical power out of the stream velocity of rivers without intervening the river’s habitat. They are situated almost completely under water and are hardly visible. Inside, a sturdy and highly efficient turbine systems is working driven by the stream velocity of the river.

In case of high tide or ice drift, the systems sinks to the ground automatically, thus saving itself – but keeps on producing.

The underwater power stations work silently and are designed to not posing a threat to fish or plants. Water sports enthusiasts as well are neither hurt by the stations nor impaired. Moreover, the power plants are permanently monitored by an intelligent networked system. They deliver base-loadable electricity from renewable energies in situ – without a blackout and risk of over-production – at predictable electricity tariffs. They can be installed in rivers quickly and easily at a low and self-financing implementation effort for communities and local authorities.