Energyminer GmbH welcomes Ludwig Kons, a top-class industry expert, to the team

gate-Startup Energyminer, an emerging energy startup, is delighted to announce that Ludwig Kons, an industry professional with over 30 years of experience in the energy industry, is joining the team with immediate effect. This important hire sends a clear signal of Energyminer GmbH’s ambitions.
Ludwig Kons has an impressive career in the energy sector. He started more than 30 years ago as a project engineer in the hydropower division of the RWE Group. In the 1990s, this division was expanded into a division for renewable power generation. This gave Kons the opportunity to develop wind power projects and PV projects at a very early stage as well as hydropower projects. Again and again, the question of how the ecological advantage of these plants could be economically taken into account in the long term and thus the question of a CO2-price arose in the profitability calculations. Ultimately, these considerations led Ludwig Kons to switch to the Group’s energy trading division at the beginning of the noughties. Long before the official launch of the European emissions trading system, the company had begun to develop a trading contract with other major energy trading companies, on the basis of which pre-compliance trading of European CO2-certificates began in 2003 and then developed rapidly.
Earlier in his carrier, Kons set up a completely new business unit that developed climate protection projects worldwide as part of the Kyoto Protocol. During the peak phase, Kons and his team cooperated with over 100 of these climate protection projects worldwide, including hydropower plants. In addition to this, Kons was also responsible for the RWE Group’s hydro and pumped storage plants as a Director from 2013 – 2020. He is still active for the RWE Group as Chairman of the Board of Directors of a foreign power plant company. “Ludwig Kons has an impressive professional career in the energy sector. Over the years, he has made a significant contribution to the further development of renewable energy projects. Therefore, we are proud to be able to work with him,” emphasizes Richard Eckl, co-founder of Energyminer.
The decision to support the Energyminer team is based on Kons’ personal interest in sustainable energy production and water management. In an interview about his involvement with Energyminer and the question which aspects of the company’s solution particularly interest him, Kons says: “I’m interested in everything that has to do with water. I grew up less than 500 meters away from the river Rhine. Rivers attract me magically. I’ve been a rower since I was 14 and try to be on the waters at least once a week. During my civil engineering studies, I specialized in hydraulic engineering. So I have an intrinsic interest in topics like Energyminer’s.” The Energyfish is of particular interest to him “because it shows a solution for how we can use the current of our waters to make a significant contribution to CO2-free power generation.”
Kons will primarily support Energyminer in the acquisition of locations for Energyfish swarms. He hereby emphasizes the importance of the “stakeholder” factor: “Besides the technical criteria specified by Energyfish, I consider the ‘stakeholder’ aspect to be crucial. We are approaching our stakeholders with a completely new approach. We therefore have to be prepared for unfamiliar questions and provide convincing answers. With Energyminer’s innovative strength and their compelling story, I am confident that we will be successful.” At Energyminer, Ludwig Kons will support the startup in identifying optimum locations for Energyfish swarms.
“We are very pleased to welcome Ludwig Kons to our team,” said Georg Walder, co-founder of Energyminer. “His longtime experience and his commitment to sustainable energy management will undoubtedly support Energyminer on their journey to realize our visionary goals.” Energyminer GmbH warmly welcomes Ludwig Kons to the team and looks forward to a cooperation on sustainable energy solutions.
n addition, gate-startup Energyminer proudly announces that it took third place at the prestigious Public Value Award in Leipzig the week before.
The Public Value Award recognizes start-ups that respond to social issues with their products and services, thereby creating a benefit for society and making a contribution to the common good.
For further information or interview requests please contact:
Natalie Rojko
Head of Marketing
Mobil: +49.159.01768283
Pictures: 1 Ludwig Kons: © Ludwig Kons