Einmal drehen bitte.

Global Sustainable Transformation (GST) GmbH

Global Sustainable Transformation (GST) GmbH is a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich and a biotechnology startup founded in 2021. As a technology provider and developer, the gate-startup is establishing the so-called FHCR™ platform, which converts biogenic, industrial and municipal waste streams into high-quality oils, bioactive substances and bio-based materials. The platform is characterized … Read more

TUM Carbon Removal Initiative e.V.

Mitigate the effects of climate change TUM Carbon is a student initiative and non-profit organisation from the Technical University of Munich. They envision a sustainable and carbon-neutral world by mitigating the effects of climate change through carbon removal.To do so, they iteratively develop carbon removal technologies and store carbon dioxide as dry ice for decades. … Read more