Einmal drehen bitte.

Qualicen GmbH

Qualicen GmbH support companies in optimizing their software and systems engineering. Qualicen’s emphasis is on requirements and test engineering as well as on model-based software and systems engineering. In addition, Qualicen offer innovative services and products. Among Qualicen’s services count the auditing of requirements and test specifications and acitvities. However, their portfolio comprises the implementation … Read more

Prospeum GmbH

Drives the future of innovative procurement Prospeum accompany their customers throughout the complete strategic provision process – fast and easy. Prospeum provides procurement teams one single place to go for strategic procurement purposes. With a dedicated focus on supplier management and professional services sourcing, the system stramlines all communication, delivering a cohesive experience and transparent … Read more

PiNTeam GmbH

Innovative Embedded Software for Automotive and Connectivity PiNTeam has been providing industry-leading consulting services in automotive engineering since 2013. Their team’s vast experience in embedded projects and AUTOSAR-compliant developments has contributed to build a solid customer base among Tier-1 and Tier-2 companies located mainly in the south of Germany, and now they aim for expanding to the … Read more

Numeric Systems GmbH

Numeric systems GmbH aim to faciliate access to powerful simulation technology in order to support development of future-oriented products. Numerical Physics Numeric systems GmbH develop simulation software based on our proprietary technologies focusing on the application of modern GPU processors. These are massive parallel processors consisting of more than 5000 cores, natively used for graphics … Read more

nextnano GmbH

Software for the simulation of electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor nanodevices nextnano GmbH develop powerful tools for the simulation of electronical and opto-electronical nanostructures and materials. Applications include nanotransistors, LEDs, laser diodes, quantum dots, nanowires, quantum cascade lasers, HEMTs, infrared detectors and solar cells. Due to the continuing scaling of semiconductor electronics, quantum physical effects are … Read more


Innovative X-ray Services and Software Mitos GmbH supports their customers customers in gaining optimum use of the manifold possibilities of radiograph imaging in order to answer their individual issues. For this purpose, they offer state-of-the-art X-ray analysis for non-destructive testing and micro-structure examination for quality assurance, material characterization and process improvement. In order to extend … Read more

Holsten Systems GmbH

Holsten Systems help medium-sized engine builders and plant manufacturers to live their vision of digitalization. Services in the field of IIoT and automation technology References:SmartFab Box for PULSThe SmartFab Box is a diagnosis tool with which PULS technically measures and records the performance requirements and thermal conditions within systems and plants. The measurement data are … Read more

Celus GmbH

Celus (former Contunity) develops online-software which simplifies the process of electronics development. Their software makes it possible for every technically trained person to develop an embedded system him- or herself. In doing so, the Celus-algorithms execute many design steps fully automated. Thus, the software drastically reduces product cycles and development effort. Hence, the hurdle of … Read more


HPM® – the intelligent solution to digitalization for safe and efficient collaboration between nursing, hygiene, medical technology, cleaning/processing and controlling. With its HPM® system Clinaris has developed a digital solution that controls the reprocessing of medical devices and hospital rooms in real-time and documents each individual process step. This optimises both processes and staff resources.  Additionally, HPM® … Read more

BOX ID Systems GmbH

Everything else is just tracking BOX ID makes flows of goods and containers visible across sites and generates control data for your logistics. This ensures availability, prevents shrinkage, and increases the utilization of mobile assets by an average of 20%. Thus By a broad offer of end-to-end solutions, the customer is instantly ready for operation. … Read more