Battery Dynamics GmbH
Quicker and more precise battery diagnostics thanks to High Precision Coulometry!
Lithium-ion-batteries represent a central component of modern electric vehicles and play a more and more important role at storing renewable energy. In order to reliably evaluate a battery system’s lifetime in an application, time- and ressource consuming laboratory test series are necessary, which presently last over many months up to years.
The aim of Battery Dynamics GmbH is to help researchers and developers to develop longer-lasting battery material, more powerful battery systems and optimized operational strategies as e.g. quick-charge-procedures at a fraction of the time needed so far. Battery Dynamics GmbH makes it possible to reduce the effort of lifetime test series by factor 5 to 10 and, at the same time, gain more precise knowledge about deterioration reactions occurring in the inside of batteries.
For this purpose, Battery Dynamics GmbH produces highly precise test equipment which allows for measurements according to the principle of High Precision Coulometry also for large-sized battery cells and dynamic load profiles. In combination with evaluation methods especially targetted to battery deterioration, significant savings of time regarding lifetime tests can be achieved, uncertainties of lifetime predicitions can be reduced, and various seondary reactions within the battery can be identified without opening a cell.
Dr. Peter Keil
Phone: +49 (0) 177 29 36 14 9

- Industry: Automotive
& Smart Mobility - Year founded: 2018
- Spin-off of TUM