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Bayern Innovativ GmbH

Bayern Innovativ is knowledge manager, initiator and accelerator of innovations. Their vision is a Bavaria where every viable idea and technology becomes an innovation.

Bayern Innovativ makes innovation possible

Innovations are the basis for success. This applies to global markets as well as to small and regional value chains. Only those who are always that decisive step ahead of their competitors can survive in the long run. The Free State of Bavaria recognized this at an early stage and created the best possible framework conditions for an innovation-friendly climate.

Bayern Innovativ – the “Gesellschaft für Innovation und Wissenstransfer mbH”, established in 1995 jointly by representatives of Bavarian politics, business and science – is an important component of Bavaria’s innovation policy. They have been providing impetus for innovation for over 25 years.

In particular, they are focussed on small and medium-sized companies, as they often lack the resources for complex innovation management. Bayern Innovativ enables them to implement their ideas more quickly and successfully by providing tailor-made innovation services.


Bayern Innovativ GmbH
+49 911 20671-0
Email: info@bayern-innovativ.de
Web: www.bayern-innovativ.de
