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Holsten Systems GmbH

Holsten Systems help medium-sized engine builders and plant manufacturers to live their vision of digitalization.

Services in the field of IIoT and automation technology

  • Project handling – Planning and site management of automation projects in the fields of energy and plant technology
  • System integration – application development of embedded systems for data acquisition, integration and connection of third-party-systems
  • Software development – full-stack software development in line with industrial applications
  • Data analytics services – software-sided connection of smart-data-approaches and machine-learning algorithmics

SmartFab Box for PULS
The SmartFab Box is a diagnosis tool with which PULS technically measures and records the performance requirements and thermal conditions within systems and plants. The measurement data are pre-processed and transmitted to the cloud. Subsequently, PULS can comfortably see the analysis online together with their customers.

Energy concept for HAGL
Highly specialized manufacturer and complex high-tech metal-processing – Hagl GmbH cool their production plant and use waste heat in order to heat their buildings. Planning and coding the control systems is our master piece.

Holsten Systems GmbH
Lichtenbergstraße 8
85748 Garching b. München
0 89 / 12 22 34 4 – 01
0151/ 400 262 53
