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Plakos GmbH

Plakos GmbH is an online portal and non-fiction-book publisher. They offer online-tests and e-learning training courses for companies and private customers. With more than half a million users per month, Plakos represents one of the most popular test platforms among German-speaking countries.

The company operates “Plakos Academy”, an e-learning-platform which helps applicants to prepare for employment tests. 10.000 clients per year pass through the attractive online training courses for more than 100 different professions. Since its foundation, more than 40 books (including several Amazon top-30 best-sellers) have been published which are available in local bookshops as well as online. The emphasis here is as well on application, qualifiying tests, employment tests, job interviews and assessment centers. Plakos also offers several emploment-test-apps for iOS and Android as well as employment-test-podcasts and audio books.

With Plakos4Business, Plakos offers other companies the possibility to test applicants and employees by means of the software-as-a-service-model and thus to avoid expensive mishirings, to hire talents with a perfect company-fit and to make use of the employees’ ful potential.

Contact: support@plakos.de

