terraplasma emission control
tpec is a subsidiary of terraplasma GmbH with the aim to employ cold atmospheric plasma in order to reduce exhaust gas emissions from combustion engines and cumbustors.
Environmental stress caused by noxious exhaust gas emissions is presently widely discussed. By means of a new cold-plasma-technology, the company sees a chance to have a positive share in a clean future.
Based on the so-called MOPS-Technology, presently a plasma source unit which can be passed through is being developed, by means of which environmentally harmful elements within exhaust gas emissions can be reduced.
Scope of application
Currently, tpec is developing a cold-plasma-module to be aplied in vehicles. The expansion of the technology on house installations will follow as a next step.
In order to realize this project, terraplasma has formed a team of experts coming from the field of cold-plasma-technology as well as from the automotive industry.
tpec | terraplasma emission control GmbH
Lichtenbergstraße 8
D-85748 Garching